Proud to be on the #bewastewise ‘Waste Influencers List 2015’

WasteWise-Logo_174x1072On August 4, 2015, the website be Waste Wise announced the list of 30 individuals who made it to their Waste Influencers List 2015. To my great surprise , I found my name on the international list of leading figures in the sector of waste management. The list includes well-known names such as, for example, Shaun Frankson ( founder of The Plastic Bank which makes plastic waste a currency to reduce global poverty); Liz Goodwin (CEO of Waste & Resources Action Programme); Ellen MacArthur (founder of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, very active in the field of circular economy); William McDonough (designer, advisor and co-author of Cradle to Cradle); Janez Potočnik (Co-Chair of UN International Resource Panel and Former European Commissioner for Science and Research and Environment). According to the staff of be Waste Wise, every person on this list is there because they communicated about waste management in a way that resonated with their audiences on social media. be Waste Wise is a non-profit organization and their motive is to enhance collaboration and the dialogue on waste solutions. For me it’s a great honor to be one of the 30 Waste Influencers 2015.

2015-Global-Dialogue-Logo-500x500-2015-07-06-300x300be Waste Wise also organizes ‘The 2015 Global Dialogue on Waste’: an important and well known series of panel discussions and interviews which will be broadcast live on every Wednesday from August to December, 2015. Share the website of be Wastewise to follow the discussion about interesting questions such as ‘Source segregation or commingled recycling?’ and ‘Can we recycle everything?’. Other interesting topics are for example: Culture, consumption and waste management; Preventing waste through education and community engagement; New waste treatment technologies; and of course – in view of the realization of the Waste Influencers List: Role of social media in waste management.

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